Choosing the obvious solution

An interesting phenomenon working in design is how unsatisfying it feels when something has an obvious solution.
As a product designer, I feel my ‘work’ is to have an infinite pool of possibilities, pivots, and alternative options for any one decision. The more ‘work’ I do the more responsible the decision, the more coverage we have on the possibilities. If I have a creative or novel solution, I’ve really delivered value!
But sometimes, the obvious solution is the best solution. Knowing when that is the case is the real work. Knowing that earlier in the process is delivering actual value.
It can feel emotionally disappointing to make this choice, but the design isn’t about me. It is about the experience of using the product. It is about the expectations someone has in accomplishing their goals.
I aim to be more aware of when the obvious solution is the correct solution and commit to it early. It may not feel great for my ego, but it is probably the right decision for the product.
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